Prior to distribution of any media project, it is important to cover all possible bases when it comes to potential litigation. One of those bases is ensuring that the fictional names in the project will not be confused with real-life people, products and/or businesses. AccuMark® Negative Check Reports help avoid any such potential confusion, and as such are an important step in reducing the chances of claims or possible legal action on that front.
The main value of an AccuMark® Negative Check Report is in its precision, comprehensive coverage, and reliability. However, AccuMark® also recognizes the importance of cost and turnaround time. With a competitive pricing scale and 24-hour turnaround time, an AccuMark® Negative Check Report provides better value than most major providers of the same or similar services. While other major providers charge hundreds of dollars extra for expedited service, our standard fast service is provided at no extra charge.
AccuMark® search results and reports are comprehensive without being superfluous. Unlike other providers, who are not supervised by recognized trademark, copyright or media lawyers, we rely on the expertise of veteran intellectual property and media law attorneys who trained the AccuMark® legal professionals who conduct the searches and prepare the reports. Also, unlike some other providers, we do not pad our reports with information from irrelevant searches in obscure and unessential fields. Instead, our intentions, work, and results are based exclusively on the needs of clients.
Additionally, we are able to tailor our reports to meet our clients’ needs. For example, with specific reports, we can perform searches within limited geographic regions, bringing down the cost of the report while at the same time eliminating information that does not impact the client’s proposed use.